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Full Disclosure: A Fresh Perspective on Homeschooling

Updated: Jun 23, 2021

Bird's Nest: San Agustin, Costa Rica

CoVid19 of 2020 has undeniably had some seriously devastating effects. At the time of publication, my father is currently battling and my mother is recovering from her own bout with the virus, among countless other friends and family who didn’t have quite such happy endings. However, there are some silver linings: one, homeschooling. Most of us are accustomed to dressing ourselves up and doing our “real” work away from the gaze of our children. On special occasions, our children may accompany us to our places of employment, but most often who we are as breadwinners, community leaders, staff members, business owners, and people builders are separated from who we are as parents. How many of us grew up as recipients of the hot food, warm shelter, and clean clothes our parents provided but were completely blinded by the magic it took to make that happen? How many of us grew up with parents who poured into us but commiserate under their breaths, cried in darkened rooms, hid their fears under hushed tones, and did the work of holding it altogether behind closed doors? For the first time internationally, we are required to return to an ancestral model of parenting; children work alongside us as witnesses and participants of what we preach. Our families are our primary ministries.

“ For the first time internationally, we are required to return to an ancestral model of parenting; children work alongside us as witnesses and participants of what we preach.”

In this very rare moment in time, our children have the opportunity to see who we are fully, intimately, and daily, not just the vision. Simultaneously, we can promote our scholars’ intellectual development while reading, studying, practicing, and pursuing our own dreams and endeavors. We can nurture their healthy spirits and confidence while we are affirming, meditating, and expressing our own emotional and genuine selves. Though most of our work has become digitized and electronic the effort is in real time, hands on, and explicit. As we prepare our children for the virtual world ahead, we can also present a different model of work to them. The past few years of living abroad, working from home, and homeschooling has not been a never-ending vacation, for us, it is life training.

Hey, BlackandWanderlust, how are you managing family and work while quarantining? Share your stories with us!

©2020 A Zulu Brownz Ink

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