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A Mango Woman's Manifesto: 2018 Edition

Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica

I thoroughly enjoy the free "spiritedness" of not worrying about the "hows". Farewell to the yesterdays when I designed my life through the lens of deprivation or lackluster. There are far too many things within my disposal and arm's reach impatiently awaiting my "yes" to waste an ounce of my magnetism on the nuances or the minutia. I love lightly sometimes heavily sprinkling my desires into the universe and watching them unfold for me in God's favor. That is when I feel the most powerful! I prefer to manifest this way, from my heart and my spirit rather than through nagging and complaining; insecurity and whining, no thank you. When I am relaxed life feels delightfully good, I love when we achieve those times in equilibrium with my partner and my desires . However, I have to be in peace with myself in order to facilitate this kind of harmony.

“I love lightly sometimes heavily sprinkling my desires into the universe and watching them unfold for me in God's favor. That is when I feel the most powerful!”

Sometimes I'm a nervous wreck inside, my wires get frayed and I ruminate in my mind but when I concentrate on believing what exists for me is mine, I find my hips sway more rhythmically and I feel loose, sensual and sexual, like a grown woman of freedom. It is a true sense of confidence.  For me it starts with a daily intention to turn off those negative voices inside. If I get attached to a thought, a feeling, or an issue I tend to obsess about it; drive myself crazy with worry or doubt. But I am practicing to speak my desires into my concerns and ask myself what do I wish to originate in every situation I encounter.

I am a succulent ripe mango woman. The kind that invites you closer, firm yet yields to the touch.  Even from a distance one can tell by the yellow/ orange/ red hues of her skin, that her insides are delectably sweet.  Her juiciness is eruptive and explosive. There has always been that woman buried inside hiding but I have her permission to come out. Some people ask me if I am on a spiritual quest, I prefer to consider myself on a path of self discovery as I weld all parts of me singularly.

In 2018, I am a honoring my Goddess with vigilant self care and radical self love.

What are you trying to manifest in 2018? Share with us!

©2018 A Zulu Brownz Ink

All rights reserved.

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